Discover Sycamore partners with the 3/50 project to promote local, independent businesses.

The 3/50 Project

Did you know that when you shop in a locally-owned independent store, 68% of the money you spend returns to the community? Did you know that when you shop in a national chain store, only 43% of that returns locally? And even more shocking: When you shop online, none of that money returns to the community. This information is provided by the 3/50 project. This project is a nation wide movement to save the locally owned, independent businesses in every community. Since its beginnings in March of 2009, the 3/50 project has spread throughout the country through word of mouth. Discover Sycamore and many local businesses have joined with the founder, Cinda Baxter, to promote the Project. For more information about the 3/50 project visit their website or

Pick 3. Spend 50. Save the Economy

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